Before beginning the Auditory Integration Training (AIT) program, it is logical to pursue biological interventions first in order to build a strong foundation for the body and the brain functions. A body that is free of toxins, allergies, chemicals and infection is more likely to achieve better results.
When there is a history of antibiotic use (often seen in children with a history of ear infections), we often find that there can be a condition in the body known as Systemic Yeast in other words, an overgrowth of yeast in the system. The antibiotics kill off not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria, which can lead to an overgrowth of yeast.
Our bodies can handle a certain amount of yeast; however, if there is too much, it can lead to other behavioral and/or learning difficulties such as hyperactivity, lethargy (low energy, tiredness), irritability and/or distractibility. We suspect yeast in the system if any of these symptoms are present and if the person tends to crave foods that yeast lives on such as sweets, carbohydrates or fermented foods such as soy sauce, ketchup, pickles or vinegar.
Doctors can do a blood test to determine if there is systemic yeast, but you can also do a simple home test to get an idea if there is yeast. I don’t know that it is super accurate, but it can give an indication and doesn’t hurt. We call it the “Spit Test”.
Spit Test:
1st thing in the morning, before brushing teeth or drinking water or anything, have the person spit into a clear glass of water (make it one that is easy to see through).
Check the spittle every 15 minutes for about 45 minutes.
An indication of yeast overgrowth is if you see “legs” or strands coming down off the spittle; or globules that hang in the water.
If you find yeast overgrowth: nutritionists and naturopaths suggest some “natural” supplements first as follows:
· Daytime: a good Probiotic (acidophilus, lactobacillus/ the active ingredients in a good quality yogurt). Take during the daytime to give the body the good nutrition during the day. (Note: if you use yogurt, make sure it does not have sugar in it as this will feed the yeast.) You can get plain yogurt and add an alternative sweetener like stevia). Take Probiotics for 4 – 6 months.
· Nighttime: Either Oil of Oregano or Grapefruit seed extract. Both kill off yeast. Note: Oil of Oregano is stronger but has a strong smell and taste so young children often have trouble taking it, if so, try the grapefruit seed extract. Also note that you cannot take Oil of Oregano plain as it is too strong and burns, so it must be either mixed with another oil such as olive oil or be taken in pill form.
Take either one before bed, to kill off the yeast while sleeping.
Re-test in 1 month, if still see yeast, continue Oil of Oregano or grapefruit seed for another month (usually a month or two will do it).
A good book about Yeast is: The Yeast Connection
Good Websites are: and
Good websites to order “Child-Friendly” products (liquids and chewable supplements):
· good price. Tell them you were referred by Sarah Gewanter
· good for lab tests good information